Native Americans

Learn about the present situation of the Native Americans in the US.
Fächer | CLIL, Geschichte, Politische Bildung und Recht |
Erstellt von | Mag. Oliver Regelsberg, HBLFA Francisco Josephinum Wieselburg |
Dauer | 2 UE |
Schulstufe | 12. Schulstufe |
Kompetenzen | Lesen, Sprechen, Hören, Schreiben |
Lernziele | Über die Situation der Ureinwohner Amerikas in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart Bescheid wissen. |
Activity 1
Step 1 (single work):
- Read through the questionnaire for 30 seconds and check vocabulary with your teacher
- Watch the Video We are still here twice
- While watching it for the first time try to answer the questions from the handout
Step 2 (pair work):
Take the handout from your neighbour and add information when watching the video for a second time
Step 3 (class discussion):
Be prepared to answer the questions in front of the class
Activity 2
Step 1 (single work):
- Prepare a 2-minute speech on question 10 from the handout.
Can you think of any parallels to this pattern of loss and resurrection of culture? - Present your speech in front of the class